Political aspects reflected in Julius Caesar

Abstract thesis:  Political aspects reflected in Julius Caesar

One of the ways to express and explore the desire such as: experience, imagination and feeling is using literature. It means that literature is a way of human to express their experience, imagination and feeling for some purposes. Social and politics are great ideas that influence literary works. Cultural massage and political aspects can be decoded in ways that allow the readers to think resistant about their lives.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare was written in 1599. Julius Caesar was the earliest of Shakespeare's three roman historical plays. From the above fact, the writer is interested in conducting a research on some political aspects in Julius Caesar. The aims of the study are to identify and understand some political aspects and the way how the society gives the response to those political aspects used in Julius Caesar.

Based on above description, the writer wants to answer the following problems: (1) What are the political aspects used in Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar? (2) How does the society give respond to the political aspects described in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

This research is literary criticism because this study concerns with analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating works of literature. It applies the structural approach as a method to analyze the novel, because structuralism is viewing literary work as an autonomic text. This approach is used to find out the intrinsic aspect in the novel that reflected in the play. The research uses an intrinsic method, which attempts to interpret literature in the term of its contents and its internal sources.

From the analysis of this study, the writer gets description that political aspects consist of (1) Power, describing political power grabbing among the main character in play, as the component in the cause of Caesar murder, (2) Conflict, as the result of the political power treat, and (3) Decision making, describing the making of decision related to people which can lead to civil war.

The respond of the people varies. The respond is mainly as the reaction to the Caesar’s murder. It is in searching which one is right, the conspirator or the counter-conspirator. The conclusion of the study is that the people respond the Caesar’s murder in such ways. They are who agree with the Caesar's murder and who don't. Those who agree think that the tyranny is dead, the dictator is dead, and the treat to the Republic is dead. But those who don't agree think that Caesar is not to murdered, he is wrongly murdered, yet his death result instability to Rome.

Finally the writer hopes that there will be more students who are interested in analyzing this work in different concerns.
writer and researcher: Lutfiyatu Umami
years of research: 2007
native title:
Political aspects reflected in Julius Caesar

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